If you are a retailer or dealer, you’re in the right spot. Welcome. There are three simple steps in order for you to view and receive wholesale prices on AquaCare Cleaning Mitts.
- Register for a wholesale account. You may click here to go directly to the wholesale register page.
- After registering for a wholesale account, a certificate of resale needs to be filled out and returned to the following email address: info@aquacarecleaningmitts.com.
- Keep in mind, you may place orders at any time, but the product will not ship until the certificate of resale is received.
Once completed, you will be able to reorder product at anytime. In addition, the minimum order quantity is 25 packs of AquaCare Cleaning Mitts plus the shipping cost. If you are interested in a service pack of AquaCare Cleaning Mitts (10 mitts), please call 701-552-1366 or email info@aquacarecleaningmitts.com
Thank you for your business.
AquaCare Cleaning Mitts Team